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Welcome from the Inspector General


   Thank you for visiting the website of the Office of Inspector General (OIG). Our purpose (why we exist) is to provide independent and objective insight, oversight, and foresight in promoting integrity, efficiency, and overall effectiveness in government. Our promise (what we do) is to accomplish this through conducting audits, investigations, and contract oversight activities.

   By vote of the citizens, our jurisdiction includes the County Government and each of the 39 municipalities. Other public entities that have voluntarily entered into contracts for our oversight include the Children’s Services Council and the Solid Waste Authority.

   It is an honor to serve as the IG of Palm Beach County.


John A. Carey

Inspector General

PO Box 16568, West Palm Beach, FL 33416-6568
Email: inspector@pbcgov.org Website: http://www.pbcgov.com/oig/
Office: (561) 233-2350 Hotline: (877) OIG-TIPS Fax: (561) 233-2370

To report issues with our website please Email Inspector General