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Mayor Kerner Attends Rollout of COVID-19 Vaccinations

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Mayor Kerner Attends Rollout of COVID-19 Vaccinations


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On Dec. 30, Mayor Kerner attended the COVID-19 vaccination rollout at the Kings Point community in Delray Beach.  Governor Ron DeSantis started the event by providing information on the state's plan for vaccinating the public.  The governor's office is responsible for the receipt and distribution of the vaccine, and seniors 65 and older qualify to be vaccinated in this early phase.   The first 300 COVID-19 vaccines were dispersed to Kings Point and administered to residents attending the event. 

The senior vaccination program is a private/public partnership coordinated with medical providers, condominium associations and homeowners associations to implement the most efficient method to disperse, educate and administer the Coronavirus vaccine to hopefully immobilize the virus and help prevent continued spread.   

Through partnerships, points of distribution will be designated for both fixed and mobile units to continue the vaccination of our senior population.  ​
